1st Quarter Meeting Etc

We will be postponing our 1st quarter general membership meeting to coincide with the Draft N Go on March 26 & 27 in Litchfield, IL.  The Draft N Go and the meeting will be at Picnic Area #4 (where the draft test has been held for the past several years.)  We will have fewer issues with the weather and we can combine the two events as I know people are very busy!!  The meeting will be on Sunday of that weekend.
We will also be needing stewards for the draft test that is to be held on April 9 & 10.  If you are an experienced steward or not, we can use your help.  The Draft N GO would be a good time to learn how to steward or to hone your stewarding skills!!  Please contact Chris Jones .
We also have the National Specialty Obedience and Rally Trials coming up.  To volunteer for that, contact Cassie Iken or fill out the volunteer form in your national packet.
That’s all for now!!

Sue Zientara